Although this critter was pretty cooperative for this photo shoot (he should be since he is stuffed and on display at a local sporting goods store--I mean, after all, any farmer would tell you there is no way the cornfield dirt looks so pristine when the corn stalks are at this stage of life...), it reminds me so much of the animals that roam in, and around, our neighborhood. In fact, just days ago I had to slam on the brakes to avoid a doe and her two young fawns who decided to wait just until I was right upon them to cross the road in front of me during my morning commute through the neighborhood. We have to put deer repellent in some of our flower gardens (that is another story all together...) to keep our plants. We often see all kinds--buck, doe, and fawns--at various places in the neighborhood. This store exhibit reminded me of the reality in our area and it let me get a good, close-up, photo of the animal to keep as a souvenir. Yes, I have been about this close to deer that got trapped in our fenced back yard, but they would not stand still for such a photo as I herded them around to the gate.
Corn field visitor |
iPhone 5, ProCamera, Filterstorm, PhotoStudio, local Scheels display
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